May 31, 2013

Spring 2013

I got a new camera. And the weather turned into THIS at last. I am loving this season, I've been waiting for it for 9 months. ^_^

Me. ^^
First summer in over 10 years that I can wear a top like that and
not be ashamed of myself... dropped 22 kg so far. =D

May 5, 2013


Spring is finally here! The ice has melted from the lake and the snow has melted from the streets and the sun is warm again. I have waited for this the whole winter. I hate the cold and dark season and now the light is on the winning side again. It makes me SO happy!

It's been a few months since I last wrote here. Not much has been happening. I had a flu, an influenza, kidney stones, urinary track infection, sinus infection and stuff like that during the beginning of the year, so I've just been trying to take it easy and to get better. I still have an inflamed cartilage of the sternum (rintalastan rustotulehdus in finnish)... I didn't even know it could get inflamed, but it is. Sigh. But it's not all bad. My supervisor training at work is almost done.

And as said, summer is coming! I LOVE IT! Because of the kidney stones coming back I had to change my whole diet... again. No chocolate, tea or nuts ever again for me. But surprise, I am not that horrified because as a result, there's this:
Two in the left: summer 2012.
Two on the right: April 2013.
Hihihi *^_______^*
I opened a "kidney stone blog, to write about my experiences, recipes that I can actually eat, and other stuff. If you wanna take a look (it's still almost empty) it's here.