It's that time of the year again. =)
Me and my friends once again travelled to Helsinki to take part in the Gay parade. ♥ And it was another wonderful day! It promised rain for the whole day, it it did not rain once! And nothing bad happened either (last year people got egged (me too) and a few years back there was a gas attack). It was all safe, fun and wonderful.
Here are a few pictures. I took about 300 pics, but don't want to show them all, because my friends are in them and I don't know if they want to show them online. But here's a glimpse:
We were at the starting point, waiting to move, when NYAN NYAN walked past us. XD |
And then we were moving. There were 9000 people taking part and double that watching the parade. ^__^ ... would have been more, if it wouldn't have been promising rain, gah! |
Our "group", the flag says "Of course from Lahti" or something like that. It's a bit difficult to translate fluently. Maybe more like "Made in Lahti and proud of it"... hmm, I dunno. XD But anyways, the point: we're from a town called Lahti. =P |
Bubble, toes and rainbows. At the Pride park. ^^ |
People are gathering. More came all the time. |
Meee in my Pride dress. :D They gave away those stickers for free (that I have on my boobs), those two say: "Perv" & "Puma"... like cougar, but we call them... us (haha) puma. X3 |
KYAAH! The minister of sports and culture! ♥ |
My friend Shuji and her balloon. XD ♥ |
Me, happyhappy meee. ^_^ |
During this fun and laughter and loveliness and awesomeness, there was a sadder message: Russian human rights are... well, shit. People tried to have a Pride parade in Russia and were put to jail. It is now illegal to even talk about gays in russia. This sucks, it has to change!
But what a day it was. Wonderful wonderful wonderful. Once again! It was my sixth Pride and definitely not last. Next year again! ♥ Now I'm just gonna sleep and do nothing for a long time. So tired. ^^; |