Aug 26, 2013

New arts!

Been a long while since I did any real art, but this month I've been productive! I'm painting my third traditional painting in a month! Here are the previous ones:
a painting for an art show at work.
The original size is 65 x 80 cm.
Acrylics on canvas.
The second painting on it's place. ^_^
my firespirit Yvain. Water-soluble coloured pencils,
black indian ink & markers. A3 size.
And a close-up to the Yvain painting.
It has a lot of details I spent hours painting.
And some fun paint smudges when the markers
suddenly started to bleed all over when I
applied the water after the coloured pencils.
Such fun! X3
Other than that: Well, autumn is here. I am still loving every summery day there is and waiting for the dark and cold with fear. But ruska will be nice. And I'm gonna photograph like crazy when it starts. Until then, drawing will do. ;P

Aug 19, 2013

Sunny Naantali

It's almost autumn. Woah this summer went fast. Way too fast. ;_; Summers are too short. But here are a few summer'y photos still. From my trip to Naantali and Rymättylä to visit my aunt and cousins.
The harbour. 
Naantali old town. This little store was so cute. ("Naantali old shop")
The presidential summer home. =D
They were shooting a movie at the central of Naantali.
Sometimes it's just so hard to stand. XDD
View to the town from a hill.
Mom on the hill. =D
Me at "Rakkaudenpolku" (eng: Lovetrail)
Naantali medieval church.
The Mill near my aunts house.
Some fields next to my aunts house. The ocean is just behind that little hill.
And then the swans appeared!

More of the harbor.

Me being veryveryveryvery happy! =D
Moon, or trying to take photos of the moon. =3
Me all dolled up to go to my cousins graduation party. ^_^