Outside. It is. Freezing. But it's also been sunny. The few hours you can see the sun here in the North. =P
This has been a good day! I've been cleaning the house, cooking, grocery shopping, taking short walks, knitting, reading, doing dishes, cleaning the freezer, taking out garbage, watching documentaries, making phone calls... and not eating anything super sugary. I'm trying to get my diet in order again. It's so hard, but on these good days, it's much easier.
Yesterday was a gym day. Tomorrow is a gym day. One day is reserved for my viking
♥, one for doing nothing, one for taking care of official stuffs. Well, that's a full week. =D
It took me all day yesterday to get over this weekend. I had so much fun on Saturday with Ktiraam, we watched Torchwood, Season 1, tons of episodes, but I don't know which ones, Ktiraam keeps track of them, I just watch. XD
Torchwood. Jack, Gwen & Ianto. ^___^ |
And on Sunday we celebrated fathers day at my dads. All the "kids" were there: me, my sister (and her kids) and my brother. I loved seeing my sister and brother.
♥ But it was tough too. I can't tell about everything everyone's going through, because there are a lot of secrets, but let's just say that life is being pretty shitty for almost everyone right now. Rough things and tough times ahead. Urgh. It got me pretty down. And as much as I've been trying to tell myself that I cannot change these things and should not worry about them so much... how can you not worry when people you love are going through... stuff. =(
But I don't want to make this another negative post, so something positive to end this. I don't know if I've talked about it here, but I'm an atheist. Not like most Finns, who are not just going to church and not reading the bible. I don't believe in god. Any of them. They are nice stories that give people hope and strength. But to me god is like Santa Claus.
Even when I'm not religious, I'm very interested of other people's points of views, world views and things that are happening around the world. So I read a lot about religions. I want to know about them, I don't shun them, I am just completely sure that there is no god. ^_^
The reason why I brought this up, was to advertise a wonderful man. I am so hooked on his voice, HAHA! XD Richard Dawkins is one of the leading atheism spokespersons, a handsome British gentleman with a voice of a... god. (I made a funny, nyihihhiiii X3) If you are an atheist, or openminded to that sort of thing, undecided or stuff, listen to his lectures, he is woooonderful. And he's not agressive. He's always polite and doesn't raise his voice, he has clear opinions and he can always explain them. He doesn't talk "shit", he knows what he's talking about and has proof. He can turn minds.
... maybe that's enough praise for one night. Now I'm going back to listen to his lectures, easily found on Youtube. Hurraa!