Mar 14, 2012

"Normal" life

Work started last week. It's only two days a week, but it feels like a lot since I haven't been at work for almost 5 years. So far I've been knitting and making Easter decorations. It's been fun. The place is really nice and calm, there's never a crowd or hurry, I love that. And we get a free meal at work too.

I dyed my hair today. I hadn't planned it, but when my mom asked if I'd dye her hair and as a pay, she'd buy me a hairdye of my own, I agreed. So now I'm a blond again. I had started to turn into the "mousy" colour almost all finns are, this grey'ish-brown-blond.

Then, we went on a walk with mom today, to a flea-market and the library, walked for an hour and half... and at one point I thought I saw a friend of mine at the street. She was wearing a big scarf around her face (it was really cold and windy) so I couldn't be sure, but she looked just like my friend. So I started to grin at her and stared... and then walked closer and realized that no, it wasn't my friend after all. OMG I was so embarrased, ahahahah! She must have been so scared, a crazy grinning woman staring at her. XDDDDD

Today I was a bit bored, didn't have any plans or ideas what to do and didn't want to watch TV, so I made a test make up. My sisters daughter (12 years old) asked me to do her a make up to a school play where she's playing a mermaid.
What do you think? Mermaidy enough?
Oh yeah, and I got my new (fourth) tattoo a week ago. I'm a little hesitant about posting pictures of it online, because if someone likes it and wants one just like it... I don't want that to happen. XD I made the image just for myself so... agh, when it's completely cured, I will take some sort of photo of it.
It's a tribal lion, as a tribute for my oldest (and dearest) plushie. HAHA! XD ♥

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