Sep 24, 2011

Saturday morning weirdness

It's been a very busy week. I haven't had any free days during the whole week. But today is gonna be great! We're going out to eat with the girls, to Santa Fe, to celebrate Ktiraam's late birthday! And straight from there I am coming home to spend the night with my viking.  We have some wine and I'm gonna make some sushi. ^___^

Today started a little sticky though. XD I woke up and made the bed, realizing after I had put everything in place, that actually everything was not in place: I had forgotten the pad mattresses from under the sheet. UGH! I had to rip everything off and start from the beginning. XD
Then I went to the shower and decided not to wash my hair because it was clean, I had just washed it yesterday. The next thing I realized; I was lathering my hair with shampoo! UGH2! XD So now my hair is extra clean. ^^;
Then I went to make breakfast, lifting the cheese, butter and other stuff out of the refrigerator to make my breakfast bread. But I couldn't find the turkey-clippings from anywhere, I emptied the whole refrigerator and cursed aloud when I realized I had taken the turkey out from there at the beginning and it was in front of me the whole time! UGH3! X3

I ate and watched some TV and tired as I still was, decided to take a little nap. I drifted off to sleep, dreaming I was still living in my childhood home (I dream of it almost nightly), then I woke up, but soon realized I was still dreaming, because I was still in my old room. I woke up as I realized I was dreaming, but it was all very confusing, I was still in my old room, which, for a moment, seemed completely normal.
And then I woke up for the third time, realizing it was still all a dream, and when I had woken up, it had actually been within the dream. UGH4!
When I was actually awake, I was so bleary and out of it that it took almost half an hour to get up. And now I have to hurry to go to meet the girls. Now I'm just wondering... what next? ;P

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