Jul 30, 2012


Work started today. The summer vacation is oooooveeeeer. Sniff, it went way too fast... that's what everyone said at work today. XD Anyways, as much as it sucks to wake up early in the morning and go to work, I missed it too. I felt more energetic today than I've felt in a long time when I'm at home. Just being at home and having nothing special to do is not good for me, I was starting to feel really down again.

Then again, on my summer vacation trips I felt absolutely wonderful. ^__^ And talking about that, new photos! =D Hollola's medievil market was last weekend! And it just happened that the weather, that's been... unpredictable and quite chilly for weeks, turned blazing hot for the weekend! YAY!
Axe throwing.
A smith doing his thing.
Beautiful cast bronze jewelry.
Some cool smithed chains!
And more smithed stuff. I loooove these. I even got
to talking with a smith, told that I'm one too and he
told about his education and plans about setting
up a new smithy... he was still an apprentice. ^_^
Dead animals and stuff. X3
More dead animals and stuff. Bone thingies. =D
These supercool cyberpunk things!
Swords and axes... well, not real ones, but
cool still. 
Stuff and a medievil chest... piece
for women. XD
The church of Hollola. Beauuuutiful
old place. My brother got married here
a few years back... well, okay, 4 years. Woah...
Pretty candles.
Statues. ^_^ Even an atheist can appreciate
history and art even when it's religious.
Pretty statue at the graveyard.
A beautiful green walkway to an medievil
And the old "village", with lots of old
houses, barns and storehouses, they are
all really old, moved to this place from
Karjala and other places where houses like
this have almost all been destroyed.
An old well.
Pretty pretty flower. 
Vaylan, feeling very summer'y =D
A... wall. X3
More pretty flowers.
A PINK tractor (the sign says: "Naive's
And then the tournament started!
One of the competitors.  a
young handsome knight. ;D
There was some sword fighting
(to the death!) One of the knights
fell! Noooooo!
They must have been steaming inside the armour, it was over
30 celsius in the sunlight!
And then some lancefighting!
The champion rushes to
his fallen comrade, takes
off the helmet and...
It's a woman! HURRAAH!
The lovers embrace. Awwwwww!
The knights take a tour around the area. 
Ladies singing old Finnish folk songs.

Jul 24, 2012

Finncon 2012

Finncon is a fantasy/scifi convention held in Finland. This year it was in Tampere. I thought I've grown out of the "confever" until this con. It was a blast, a wonderful weekend!
We talked about it with ktiraam and realized it's animecons we're grown out of. Fantasy and scifi is where our roots are. We've both been fans since we were kids. It was like coming home. ^__^

The weekend was awesome in other ways too: we saw a lot of friends (), beautiful places, visited Tampere Gay Pride and went some some panels that made us laugh so much our cheeks were hurting afterwards! XD

Our friends Caratra & Namochan were kind enough to let us stay at their place in Tampere. ^___^ (Thank youuu!). We also adventured around Tampere, went to eat together, went to drink (one drink) together and went to sauna with Caratra, yayy! \^_^/
We bumped into Deirie at Lahti's bus station, travelled in the same bus to Tampere, went to eat chinese and saw a Sherlock Holmes panel together. ^____^
We also met our friends Meablie and Nikomon and went to coffee with them... then managed to lure them to visit the con with us, hihihihi. =D They stood on the line with us, waiting for the "bimbopanel", which was the best entertainment ever! It was also a really fun surprise to see our friend Soikku at the con and briefly say hi to Myunfelia too.
... but yes, photos is a must. ;D
No idea what is going on in this! XD
Tampere, pretty Tampere.
More of Tampere, at the top of Pyynikki.
And a little more.
Then we adventured to Pispala,
a beautiful part of town.
A mansion! =D
The "city garden" and the
beautiful sunset.
A very pervy tree... or then I'm pervy.
(Well, of course I am, but the tree is too)
A lake!
This view is amazing. Ktiraam and Caratra
on the bridge.
Ktiraam and one of Finland's most
famous cartoon artists: Petri Hiltunen.
(and he's hot too, yummm! ;D)
Tampere Gay Pride. First time watching
and not taking part in a Pride parade.
Sunday, cosplay time: Ktiraam
aka Rogue from X-men!
And Zardra-jedi! ;P

Soikku's coooool dragon!
Jedi and dragon. XD

Comic poses. =D
Very cool comic poses!
Boob-jedi, ahaahhaha XDDD
Yeah, and then our humour went over
the top. X3