I've been rather slow at writing the blog lately, so I decided to be quick about this post so it's gonna be posted. X3 ... Today has been another good day, I was out walking for almost 2,5 hours, tomorrow I'm going to gym with my friend Penpen. I got a new dress, a mosquito net to my balcony door and some paint to paint a shelf in the kitchen. Been a busy day. And I even cooked... and bought some wine, but since I'm going to gym tomorrow, I'm gonna save it for tomorrow night. =)
And now, to the point, photos!
A kickstart to the day: Helsinki railwaystation Roberts coffee. Yummmm! |
Beautiful Pridepeople. ^__^ |
Flashmob Vogue, it was so freaking cool! =D |
Friends ♥ ♥ ♥ Sandied, Jari, Cilla, Meablie, Nora, Me, Penpen, Deirie, Tiia, Ktiraam, Vaylan & Windi. =D |
More cool Pridepeople. ^_^ |
A VERY cool sign. ^__^ |
Pride doggie. ♥ |
And almost moving! |
We're on the move! Some horse police and police horses. =D |
Walking, dancing, clapping, screaming, smiling. ^__^ |
Even more cool Pride people... and families. ^_^ |
Wheeeee! =D |
The whole town was decorated with rainbows. =D |
Ktiraam's cool sign. ^_^ |
The parliament house and the police forces. =D |
A very happy Swede. =D |
And a couple of bears. ^__^ |
Our picnic yummy foodies. ^_^ |
The Pride park and our picnic groups. =D |
Me, Deirie, Meablie & Nikomon. ^____^ |
There was a whole bunch of happy, colorful Pride people. ^__^ |
Happiness! ^__^ Thanks to Deirie for this photo! ♥ |
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