Aug 8, 2012

Almost a full fledged nerd now. =3

We were in the countryside last weekend, spending our friend Tundradrix's birthday. And it was aaaawesome! The place was sooo cool, I've never been in such a place, it was so... woah! Big and fun and everything! There was a sauna and this huge hall for us to hang in. And four bedrooms, and since there were only 5 of us, there was plenty of room, haha! =D
We had a visit from our two friends who just had a baby, the baby was so cuuuute and so so tiny. ^__^

And then, we started to design roleplaying characters, yayy! We're starting to play next weekend, so so so much fun! =D There will also be drawings, we drew like crazy with Ktiraam, it was so funny, feeling so inspired in a party like that. =D

I've been reallyreallyreally tired this week, I really hope I'm not coming down with a flu or something. Tomorrow is therapy day and after that I'm seeing my cousin who I haven't seen in 3 years! =D
My gift for the birthday hero. =D
... the theme of the party was "Alan Rickman" ;D~
We went swimming to a nearby beauuutiful lake
in the middle of the forrest. ^__^
John was feeling artistic. XD
And then it was turn to eat cake, yummmm!
This was the awesomecoolwonderful
place where we were staying! =O
Oms and noms. =D
View from the... can't say cabin... house?
Chocolatepieces (google translator calls them "suede
pieces" but that sounds really wrong XD) NOMMMM!
Night, we went to sauna and then started
to design the RP characters. =D
Flowerssss =D
View from the other side of the house.
Behind the big windows. ^_^
Yum bunch!
Best noms EVER: Fazer chocolate. ♥
Toilet pet. =3
Lari made us some amazingly yummy
foods and with them we ate buns.
Bunbunbun. =3
... and sausages. AHAHA, we had such a
huge laughing fit with Tundradrix about these
sausages, it was insane.
Me: Well, that looks like...
T: Hahaha
L: *wants to take one* Can you cut it in half T?
T: *Tries to cut it* Feeling like a arabian man...
Me: ... on a wedding night.
Ktiraam: Oh god not again.
The prettypretty room with the pretty
daylight. ^___^

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