Feb 9, 2012

To the gym I go

Issue 1: 
So, Pekka Haavisto did not win the Finnish presidential election. The likely thing happened: Finland is not ready to have a gay president. It's been said all around the media this past week (after the election was over) that his sexual preferences. =(
But oh well, the new president, Sauli Niinistö isn't that bad a choice. He wasn't my first choice, but I don't hate him either. Here's a funny picture of him, the first day as a president of our country. And no, it's not staged, people do their own housework here. =P

Issue 2: 
I was sick all last week, so my birthday celebration was a bit scant. I had a nice night with Ktiraam and penpen, watching the election on Sunday, but the girls has work the next day and I was still a little flu'ish so there was no big party. I still want to celebrate my birthday more than just eating a bad of chocolate candies, but that has to wait a while. ^^;

Issue 3:
I had a meeting at my gym this Tuesday to make a new gym schedule and program for me. And it's gonna be a tough one! But I kind of asked for it, I want to get fitter and lose weight so I'm gonna exercise 5 days/week! It has started well, yesterday I spent a whole our at the gym, exercise bicycle and today I walked for an hour and 20 minutes. Tomorrow is a gym-day again.
I am so excited about this new exercise program of mine, but I really hope I can still do it if I get a job this spring. We'll see. Have to live one day at a time. ^_^
Issue 4:
Sign the petition and if there's a demonstration near you, you can also take part there. Let's show that people  will not just stand still when their freedom of speech is tampered with.
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, which has already been signed by several countries, poses a dangerous threat to the inherent freedom and openess of the Internet. Under ACTA, ISPs and websites will be given more power to track what we do online, while forcing them to turn over our information and reporting our activity to the authorities -- all in the name of copyright protection! While we respect the rights of creators, ACTA's ill-conceived provisions will have chilling effects on free speech everywhere.

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