Jan 22, 2012

Happy Sunday

Sundays are usually the most horrible days. Nothing to do, the whole week to wait for another weekend, nothing good on TV... and so on.
But today was different. We had the first round of the presidential election here in Finland and it was a TOUGH fight! But my favourite Pekka Haavisto got on the second round, HURRAAA! ^__^
Happiness happiness!

But I know politics are not that interesting for everyone so let's leave that at that. =P I've also been knitting like a madwoman. During a few weeks or so I've made a knitted cloak, mittens, socks, wrist warmers and two pairs of legwarmers. I am going to take photos of them when I get the legwarmers I'm knitting now done... and when someone agrees to take photos of me wearing them, eheheee *^_^*

I've been a little worried about the fact that
1) I haven't had much energy lately. I'm so tired all the time.
2) It's been too long since I cleaned up the apartment, the kitchen is starting to smell because I haven't done the dishes in a few weeks
3) I haven't drawn Anything for over a week now. =(
But here's something "new" (a few weeks old) to see while I try to come up with something new. If I even got any idea of what to draw, ugh!
Shaya, my vampire
girl... in a leather suit. XD
4) My "restless legs" are keeping me awake more and more and I don't know how to make them better again. I got some advises from friends but so far none of the advises have worked. =/ The legs have been nuts lately (especially in the middle of the night, waking me up and making it impossible to sleep) and I don't know why. I'm trying to eat better and drink more water, next week I'm gonna try if very hard exercise is gonna make the difference (for better or for worse, don't know yet).
5) I have to take care of some paperwork... and I need to clean the apartment. And I don't know where I'll find the energy.

Maybe it's because my period finally started. I feel down and fat and ugly and that doesn't make me very energetic. X3 I started using the new pills (progestogen-only pills), OH how I wish these would work, third try, and I don't want to start again! =S

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