Jan 30, 2012

Dinosaurs, babies and snow

I've been watching scifi series lately. I haven't been that interested in scifi before, but now... I don't know why, I'm thrilled! =D It started last year, when Ktiraam recommended Primeval for me. I started watching it, mostly out of  boredom, but soon I had seen the whole series! XD

Next came Torchwood, which has been a big favourite for a long time, but we've been rewatching it with Ktiraam (she's the one who's got me hooked on scifi! ;D). After that came Dresden Files, because I've been reading the books and of course had to see the series too. And then it was Terra Nova's turn. That series has some problems, but it's still a great watch! I hope they'll make more than one season, 12 episodes is not enough. It was really weird to see that bad guy from Avatar being so damn cool, but he's my favourite character in the series.

And now for two days I've been watching Sanctuary. And it's great too! After I have that watched, I still have Stargate Atlantis and Firefly on my watch list. Do you have any more recommendations? I'm really new to this theme, so all I've really seen is the original Stargåte... which I loved too. =P (I tried Stargate Universe, but that one was wayyy too depressing for my taste)
Oh and Doctor Who, thanks to my friend Penpen! ♥

Then to babies: Yesterday was the first birthday of my (step)sisters daughter Emilia. And once again I took about 200 photos of her. It was a fun day and I'd love to show photos of her here, but internet is not a safe place for a one year old kid, so I'll guard her privacy. ♥
But, I do have a few photos to show.
I reorganized my apartment a few months ago
(was it that long ago) and wanted to take some
photos of the new stuff. This is the alcove, my
bed is below the photo. I just love it how it
looks now: simplistic but stylish. (Royo ♥)
Emilia's 1st birthday cake, a moomin.
The cake is made by my stepsister Kaisu! =D
View from my dad's balcony to the snowy city.
The skijump towers are there... and the pretty sunset.
The sun sets at about 4-5 in the winter so it's
not as late as it looks.
Another photo of the same view. The
colours are so beautiful, it's the "blue moment."
It's been really Really winter'y here lately. And this week it's gonna get freeeeeeezing! I'm already wearing my warmest winter-jacket (a huge featherjacket) and it's gonna get about 10 degrees colder... how am I gonna survive? HAHA! ^^;
This weeks temperatures will hit -20 to -27 celsius... that's -4 to -17 Fahrenheit. Brrrrrrrrrrr. And of course with this cold cold weather everyone's having a flu. I'm fighting it but my head is just so damn stuffy, yuk! XD
Oh yeah, then there's this:
Pekka Haavisto for president!
Pekka is the best, kakkonen on
ykkönen. ♥

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