Dec 4, 2011

December top 10

I have a lot of serious subjects in mind to write on the blog, but for now, I just wanna relax and have some fun. My friend Serenity had a blog post about her favourite top 10 December stuffs and I think I need to make a list too, teehehehe. =P

This is gonna be slightly different, because I don't really celebrate the traditional kind of christmas (since I don't believe in god and that stuff), but still, there's yule, winter solstice and all those fun non-religion celebrations, so I celebrate my own kind of... thing. I don't mean just the one day as I talk about christmas here, to me that holiday is the whole last week of December. ^_^

Here's my December top #10
#1: Glögg (with rum)
It's yum! =P Haha. Especially with almonds and raisins. And as a plus side, it keeps you warm. And it's really yum. And it makes me remember the feeling I used to have when I was a kid and it was christmas. ^__^

#2: Knitting
It cold outside, you need mittens, woolen socks, big wool sweaters, blankets... and you can knit them yourself. And it's really fun to watch a good movie and knit. =D

#3: Books
Curling under the blanket into your warm bed with a good book on a cold winter day, ahhh, I love it. I always try to stack as much books as I can into my reading list during winter. I love reading. ^__^

#4: Disney & other (cartoon) movies
It's cold and dark outside, you put on a good movie and relax. And get happy, because some movies are just made of pure awesomeness and stuff! =D

#5: Irish coffee
1 part whiskey, 2-4 parts coffee, 2-3 spoons of brown sugar & lots of fresh/whipped cream. YUMMM! ♥ Warming, refreshing goodness.

#6: Sunny days
The winter sun is so freaking pretty. It's so cold and... rare! It's almost always dark here. And cold. But when it's sunny, you have to go out and just enjoy, it feels like a miracle every time. ^__^

#7: Christmas music
Okay, I don't celebrate christmas and I feel sick and tired of the buying frenzy people go into when it's this time of the year, but I love the soft, calm christmas music. It (too) takes me back to my childhood and just... relaxes. ^_^ (my favourite song is Heinillä härkien kaukalon, which is a religious song, but I don't care (I just ignore the words), I looove it either way, it is a song of christmas! XD)

#8: Family
Christmas/yule is a time to spend with family. And that is how I love to spend it. Of course there's not time to see everyone on christmas/yule, so I try to see everyone during December and to just spend some time together. ^_^

#9: Snow
White christmas/yule is... wäääh, something we might lack this year. Though the snow has come every year before christmas/yule, but I really hope we get snow before that this year too. I miss snow. It makes everything brighter. It's so so dark out now with no snow. =S

#10: Christmas/yule trip to Helsinki
With Ktiraam! It's a tradition already! This is, if I counted right, the 5th time we've done this trip! =D And it's the one day when we don't worry about anything, we just relax and shop and have so much fun! We visit all our favourite stores, look at manga and books and eat at our favourite places. It's a day that starts the holiday season for me... plus I buy all my own presents from that trip so it is like christmas, teehee! ♥ ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Yohohohoo~! I can't wait for our annual Christmas/Yule trip either! =D =D Even though I went to Helsinki on last Saturday, our trip is something I *really* look forward to go! ♥

    Ah, glögg... ♥ Haven't drink any yet, 'cause I'm saving the glögg for the tomorrow. ;)
    Hmm.. speaking of knitting, I need to finish my mittens. XD It's fun to knit something your own and nothing like the ones in the stores. ^_^
